Oct 15, 2009

Capricorns are..

Since I spend A LOT of my waking time in FB, it is unavoidable that I would "waste" time in doing all sorts of quizzes that supposedly tells you more about yourselves.. Among the more popular ones are related to horoscopes.. and here are some of the more interesting/accurate ones.. since most of them are in Chinese, I will translate them into English, so that more people would/could know this Capricorn better.. :)


12星座永恆不變的優點,結果是 【摩羯座】謹慎謙遜

Eternal virtues: Capricorn - Discrete and Humble
You dislike being in the limelight, and is very realistic. You like simplicity in love, even small things would please you immensely. You are conservative and accommodating, loves tidiness and orderliness, and you have a great sense of responsibility and high tolerance. Once you have decided, you never give up. Often, you are at the losing end because you are too stubborn. And as you are reserved, people tend to mistake you as being unpredictable. Capricorns are more feminine. You treasure relationships, steady and quite confident. Also, you are reliable, gentle and not hasty.

無情12星座的排名,結果是 【摩羯座】第六位

Cold-hearted Ranking: Capricorn - No. 6
Capricorns might not be heartless, as you have no idea how to express your emotions or things that are troubling you. In your world, neither lovers nor enemies exist, there is no gray area. Yet the time for you to recover from any relationships is so much longer than other horoscopes. The line between emotional and cold-blooded is ever so thin.

12星座的悲傷都寫在哪裡?結果是 【摩羯座】心底

Where does one hide one's sorrow? Capricorn - Deep inside your heart
In this world, there are two types of people. One is as pure and innocent as white sheet of paper, while the other has been covered with layers and layers of dust, which can't be washed away by any rain or wind. Capricorns are the latter, and you are never pure and innocent. Thus, many hate you for your hypocrisy, and maybe deep in your heart, you had long since hated yourself too.
You loiter between the bustle and desolation of the world, unable to banish the love and hatred within you. Deep within your heart, lies dormant a thing called "sorrow". Capricorns would sternly suppressed it, whenever it raises its head. You would chew on the pain that gnaws endlessly, swallow it and then wash it away by your inner waves. You would never allow others to have even a glimpse of your raging sorrow, and thus having a badly battered and utterly tormented heart is a price you pay in Life.

星座之最,結果是 【摩羯座】
Capricorns are the
最穩重 (Most Steadfast)
最木訥 (Most Reserved)
最負責 (Most Responsible)
最老實 (Most Honest)
最富有 (Richest)
最不知變通 (Most inflexible)
最適合當上班族 (Most suited to work 9-to-5)
最容易發生師生戀 (Easiest to fall in love with teacher/student)
最難從失戀中恢復 (Hardest to recover from heart breaks)
最沒有肚量 (Most Petty)
最有理智 (Most Rational)
最受不了批評 (Most unable to accept criticism)
最勤奮 (Most Hardworking)
最上進 (Most Motivated)
最頑固 (Most Stubborn)

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