Oct 18, 2009

How/What/Which are you? (Part V)

This time, I will post quizzes taken in Chinese and provide my interpretations in English..

五大天使你是哪位? Which of the 5 Archangels are you?
加百列 (Gabriel, Angel of Death)

You are easy-going, and no matter what happens, you could always adapt to it immediately. People like to be around you, because you are always their "aunt agony", listening to their woes and troubles. You are good-natured, but you can become very scary if you get angry. You work hard but tend to slack off once in a while, and that often resulted in things not being completed. In terms of relationship, you go with the flow, and don't put any pressure or stress on your partner, yet because of this, you are often mistaken as not being considerate to his/her needs. Do take note.

測你的心理年齡 Your mental age
80歲 (80 years old)

You feel very old indeed.

你是哪種大腦? What kind of brain are you?
電鍋腦 ("Electric rice cooker" brain)

You have limitless potential in you. You love to immerse in your own fantasy world, and if you do not open up, embrace and utilize your potential, you would just be like an unused electric rice cooker in which no one would know about the gourmet food that it holds. With such a brain, there is no lacking of ideas and thoughts, but a dire shortage of implementation. Seek help from friends who are unconventional and do not follow the society norms.

你是哪種情緒化動物? What kind of emotional animal are you?
樂觀積極 - 小狗 (Optimistic and positive - Dog)

Basically, you are quite emotional. When your mood is good, anything anyone says goes, while you tend to ignore people when you are not. Even the way you work depends on your mood. You will help anyone who asked for assistance, but if your mood is foul, you would even reject requests from your boss. Thus everyone is terrified when you express and act according to your mood. Yet because you are simple and frank, you are already learning to control your temperament. In a way, you are able to think things through positively, and yet still troubled by negativity.

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