Oct 4, 2009

Jackass Jiran II

Can anyone teach me how to murder my neighbor (and not get caught)? Or at least make him mute? Seemed like I had given too much benefit of the doubt to that Jackass Jiran of mine..

Yes, that jackass neighbor of mine had another round of his karaoke session with his bunch of lackeys last night.. Because of the rain, his party couldn't start until almost 11pm.. and boy, did they try to make up for lost time.. All the bloody assholes sang to their hearts content by shouting and screaming at the top of their voices.. Imagine, on the night where the moon is the brightest and fullest, where one supposed to enjoy the nice quiet ambiance with family and friends, a bunch of morons are spoiling it by their horrendous singing.. Actually, I won't even call that singing, more like making grunting noises that would only impress brainless bimbos and money-sucking material bitches..

Since I can't do anything about these imbeciles, I can only dream up 101 ways of them dying/suffering for having fun at the expense of other neighbors..

Imaging one of the nitwits suddenly drop dead because he choked on his own saliva or false teeth..
Imaging one of the morons clutching his chest and then drop dead immediately cos of a heart-attack from all the intense screaming..
Imaging the HUGE speaker falling onto one of the dumbasses, splitting his skull instantly..
Imaging one of the jugheads bursting a vein in his head thus losing all feelings to his "precious"..
Imaging the microphone short-circuited and electrocutes one of the twits..
Imaging one of the buffoons falling from the stage and crushed his "family jewels" while trying to show-off some dance steps...
Imaging one of nincompoops winked at the wrong girl while singing and all hell break loose, with some of them killing some..
Imaging rival gang members suddenly arrive in vans, carrying parangs (machetes) and start chopping these dimwits..
Imaging one of the numskulls accidentally poisoned everyone when he thought paraquat was French wine..
Imaging the special forces suddenly swamp in gunning down this bunch of goons because of some mis-intelligence about them being terrorists..
Imaging a fire broke out and burnt the house down, including all the halfwits, because one of halfwits accidentally poured some alcohol onto the expensive wooden furniture, while another tried to put out his cigarette on that same piece of furniture..
Imaging one of the birdbrains suddenly went berserk/amok (because of the full moon) and stabbed everyone 13 times...
Like imaging ALL of them having ED (Erectile Deficiency) and could not get "it" up for the same number of weeks as the number of songs they sang..

p/s: Anyone know of any ways to disrupt the electricity of the house, or got lobang for me to get hold of those cool gadgets that can send magnetic pulse to black-out an entire building, please contact me privately.

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