Oct 8, 2009

CE: Translating

Caught the translation bug recently.. :)
Been reading a few books, some in Chinese, some in English.. I will try to translate some of the articles that I think should be shared, so that more would be able to read them..
This time, it is from Chinese to English.. Did it this morning..
Any feedback is welcomed!














取自: 何權峰的《忘了總比記得好》

My translation of this article:

Stop feeling remorse

The sun is shining brightly outside, yet you are tormented by your inner anguish of regrets..

You blame yourself, for if you had not done "this", "that" wouldn't had happened..

You reproach yourself, for not realizing "it" earlier or else things wouldn't had turn out this way..

You kept regretting, kept thinking that if you only knew things would be so, then you would have....

"If I only knew, I would have.." We all love to say this in retrospect. We like to bemoan the choices we made at certain point of time.. Why didn't we do this instead of that? But, we shouldn't even have such a thought in the first place!

Have you thought about it before? When you said, "If I only knew..", it meant that you didn't know at that time, isn't it? Since you didn't know, what else could you have done? What could you do about something that you have no idea of?

You can't change things that you have yet to encounter or know about, can you?

No one is faultless, everyone including you and me, or even those great men, had made wrong judgment call(s) one time or another. It is only when we look back that we realized that we were wrong, it was "right then, wrong now".

We learn from our mistakes, as the mistakes of yesterday serve as the lessons for today. So why should you reproach yourself? Even if you really did make a mistake, your decisions were made based on your experience and your knowledge then, thus those decisions didn't felt wrong at that point of time.

Hence, there is no reason for you to keep blaming yourself for the things that you didn't know was wrong. Why torture yourself further? Isn't suffering the consequences of your mistakes bad enough?

We should stop this foolish obsession of feeling remorseful, and concentrate on "the thing that I can do now", instead of "the things I did then". If you could do this, then you would learn much more from your mistakes than from your successes.


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